Due Diligence Report Agent,Enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness for Frontline Financial Staff

A domestic bank has launched an inclusive loan service, aiming to provide convenient loan services for small and medium-sized enterprises, so as to support the development and innovation of the real economy.

However, in the process of granting inclusive loans, banks face challenges in fully grasping the enterprise information and repayment ability of borrowers, especially when dealing with small and medium-sized enterprises and individual entrepreneurs who may lack comprehensive financial records.

Therefore, bank account managers often spend a great deal of time collecting and analyzing all kinds of information, conducting due diligence on the applicant enterprises, and writing due diligence reports, including customer situation analysis, financial data analysis, due diligence audit analysis, etc.

However, the proficiency in business analysis levels among frontline bank account managers varies widely, leading to inconsistent quality of due diligence and due diligence reports. Additionally, the report templates within the system are often inflexible and cannot be utilizeddirectly , necessitating significant time investment from frontline account managers in report preparation.

Based on this requirement, Lanma Technology has built a Due Diligence Report Agent for the client based on the large language model, which can automatically give analysis conclusions and generate reports to assist the work of frontline bank account managers. It can not only save 80% of the time for frontline account managers in report writing, but also comprehensively review the client's materials, help the staff to discover some hard-to-notice points or omissions, and reduce the error rate.